Voices of Temple Stay participants

Yumiko Tsutsui

I realized that a disciplined life is the key to living a fulfilled life, and I started to look forward to putting it into practice, as if I had been saved somehow.

The lectures I took at Butsshin Monk Academy were always very refreshing.
I was not able to submit my assignments as expected, and I had some regrets about the incomplete combustion.
As my passion for Temple Stay grew day by day, I decided to take the plunge and participate.
Thank you very much for your involvement and for your help.

It was a short stay when I realized it,
The sound of sutra reading that brings joy to life…
The feeling of running around in the forest…
Beautiful Tenza…
“Turn bad habits into good habits,
“The ultimate daily life spent with good friends” is exactly what it sounds like.
It was a valuable experience, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to participate.

I apologize for the length of the following.

The first thing that surprised me was the word “yes!”
I wore it many times during my stay,
I realized that I had almost lost the habit of saying “yes” every day.
The responses I received were refreshing and very refreshing.
Not only in my family, but also in the children of today, they obediently and energetically say “Yes!”
I feel like I’m less and less in the habit of replying.
An honest heart that says “yes”. It’s a great discovery!
Go home and remember
I’m trying to play word games with my daughter.
Interactions between people become more honest and deep,
I feel it becoming vibrant, bright and alive.

Reading sutras in the main hall early in the morning was a sacred time to purify the mind and body and feel energized.
The comfort of the sound pervades your whole body,
I was reminded of the efforts of the uchideshi in their daily training.
I will continue to be encouraged by thinking about the daily life that takes place at Fukugonji this morning and this evening.
I am still continuing to read sutras in my own way.
We eat and sleep together and move at 1.5x speed.
It was an irreplaceable time when I put my whole heart and soul into it.
While running around so desperately that it makes me laugh, I try to make the most of the experience I’ve gained with all my might.
I feel like this is just the beginning.
We cleaned to the best of our ability within the limited time we had, and worked together desperately to act 10 minutes early.
I tended to be at the last minute, so I decided to act 10 minutes beforehand.
In addition to giving you more time to move on to your next task,
I was able to experience some really great things in terms of my relationships with people.

My habit of self-denial, that I have to be like this,
It was a great moment of reflection as I was able to look back on how much of a negative impact I had on those around me.
I would rather forget kindness and love words and expose my ego.
Silence is much wiser. That’s why I realized that wisdom is necessary.

To family,
Don’t focus on what you can’t do,
Try to understand things that the other person doesn’t understand,
Isn’t it fine as long as it produces results? I’ve been told this.
I blame myself for not being able to do it unless it’s perfect,
There were times when it was difficult for me and those around me.
Being able to know more and more fills me with a rich feeling and brings me joy.

At the beginning of Temple Stay, Osho Ogu
“There are new discoveries and stimulations that I have never experienced before.”
“This is a stay where you can discover new yourself. Please take on the challenge and work hard.”
that’s what he said.
Get rid of past bad habits and thoughts,
When you allow yourself to change, you will find that you can absorb more, change, and grow.

The Uchideshi-san,
The way you speak sincerely from the other person’s point of view and convey your message is a learning experience.
It was nice to see him reflecting on what he learned and applying it next time.
It reminded me to be kind to myself and try to make the most of it next time.
Thank you for teaching me something important.

We reflected on this and discussed what we would do next time.
It was great to hear everyone’s voices during Yaza and Kazuchika’s time of reflection and gratitude.

The joy of learning honestly and the compassion that comes from working together.
What I can do that others can’t do,
What others could do that I couldn’t do,
A sense of unity was felt by helping each other.
Rather than feeling sorry for my ignorance,
Everyone will be happy if they can honestly enjoy the joy of being able to do new things.
It’s wonderful and enriching to notice and change.
The presence of good friends is very important.

The warm care of my roommate,
There’s a way to say it like that~
It was a series of wonderful surprises and discoveries, wondering if he could speak with such a gentle expression.
The room was comfortable and I was able to stay with peace of mind.
Working as a team was exciting and very refreshing.
I gradually began to see the wonderful things about each Zen practitioner.
I was happy to be able to feel a familiarity with him, as if I had known him for a long time.

From Osho Ogu,
“The habit of thinking that oneself is a big, unwavering tree with thick roots,
“This is the basis for any interaction with people,” he said.
“Even when you’re in doubt, if you stay in that kind of mood, you’ll naturally be able to make a better decision.”
“It won’t work if you’re too tight or too loose. Stay in the middle.”
These words also resonate.
“If I think my emotions are heading in a bad direction, I’ll come to my senses and go back.
It becomes a big tree with roots. ”

Such teachings,
Being able to practice in pairs using physical sensations was eye-opening and easy to understand.
I felt that the distance between me and everyone had become much shorter.
I was filled with smiles and was happy to be able to get close to her.
In this experiment,
I also discovered that somewhere along the line I was thinking about bullying myself and rejecting others.
Osho Ogu’s speech is easy to understand, and I would like to participate in Ogu Dojo as well.

He also said that what you think in the morning determines your day.
Waking up early in the morning, reading sutras before the forest wakes up and getting into daily life, then watching the sunrise.
If you think about it, what a luxurious beginning it was.
Morning time sets the tone for the day and becomes a good habit.
It is well worth reviewing and cherishing.

Desperately with her in everything within the discipline,
All of my life was fully open.
Make arrangements at least 10 minutes in advance and do your best to concentrate on the present.
Starting with the sound of the bell ringing at 4:45am,
Day by day, my voice became louder during the morning and evening sutra recitations.
The sound of sutra recitation is very pleasant, and the sunrise is beautiful.

Taking a shower with all my concentration in a limited amount of time, cleaning Toji,
It was exciting and fun to see my tired body running up the hill even more like a club activity.
A program where you can experience doing what you can to the best of your ability.
Maybe life is simple.
In order for us to live comfortably and happily,
I was given an environment that made me think about how I could create happiness with everyone.

I am glad that I participated in the
I learned how to clean.
I finish my daily cleaning early in the morning and get to work.
This flow of movements and discipline will make your day a fruitful one.
If you cooperate with friends, the effect will be doubled,
Things seem to be moving in the right direction if we take action first.
And tidy up.
There’s nothing you don’t need, and everything you need is in the right place.
Placement of cleaning tools, putting back used items, organizing space, and keeping things looking better than new.
Every space was beautiful and very comfortable, and what I learned was actually quite good.
An environment and discipline where you can work on your work without unnecessary things,
I was convinced that this is the trick to making the most of your limited time.
Rather than creating too much leeway or being too complicated,
I believe that if you work hard, you will not waste your time.
Practice where you can.

Although there is no shortage so far,
I felt like I was going to change, but I felt uneasy and unsatisfied.
One reason for this was that the discipline was sloppy.
Living a life with clear rules is like the foundation of a profound life.
I felt a sense of brightness that I could continue to try and improve.
Such things are
For my family, which is a place where children gather during the day and where we host children for meals and sleep,
While exploring, I received an opportunity to become rich,
I’m glad I stayed just for that realization.
It was a series of experiences that turned each day into something deeper and more fulfilling by making the most of my time.
I literally read and heard about Temple Stay.
It was a treasure-like experience that can only be experienced by being there.
When I told my family about my stay, they said it was just the right amount of movement.
A sense of fulfillment that comes from using your wisdom and using up your powers to survive.
That’s why I understand that a disciplined life is the key to living a fulfilling life.
I feel like I’ve been saved somehow and I’m looking forward to putting it into practice.
I am in the process of trying things out, failing, changing, and feeling confused.

I personally love chopping wood, and it is also a popular task for children.
I feel like if anything becomes interesting, everything will go smoothly.

After I got home, I cleaned while thinking about the experience.
First, I disassembled the stove and polished it to a nice shine.
It’s the same stove I used to warm myself after working outside.
It’s going to be beautiful.
My mind is cleansed and refreshed.
How much of a distortion of my heart was I turning a blind eye to?
after that,
I was really impressed by the care they took in making me a warm cup of tea for my cold body.
What I thought while working was,
There are times when I am actively thinking and times when I am not thinking about anything,
I felt that thinking while concentrating had a good effect.

Noriza was shocking, and I was moved every time.
Tenza ~ The dining etiquette is so beautiful and wonderful that I still can’t find the words to describe it.
If there was a course at Tenza, I would definitely like to participate.

All the rice was delicious,
It was a luxurious moment as we enjoyed the meal quietly in beautiful manners, savoring it from the inside out.
The curry with lotus root that I received on my third day’s hard work was very satisfying.
I like spicy food and it was very delicious, but I felt that some people might not like spiciness.
First, I was asked to let them know if I had any allergies.I don’t like milk, so the soy milk soup on the first day was also good.
Anyway, I enjoyed every aspect of the food.
I received kind words during the meal, which helped me a lot.

The time that enters from FMT’s body is also
I was able to experience with my whole body that all of life is connected.
This is my first time doing chiropractic treatment using a pillow.
My back feels lighter and I feel like it’s going to straighten up and stick to the floor, and my body feels better.
It was so comfortable that I almost fell asleep.
A flexible body is connected to a flexible mind.
Then, as long as you can, it’s fine.
Even in his gentle voice, I could feel his compassion towards each and every one of them.

Hideyuki said,
The story of the person who continued Shushogi was wonderful and very impressive.
Continuing good habits will help the roots grow,
Just by being there, you become a person who shines a light.
Personally, I have been practicing the Heart Sutra for five years since I lost my younger daughter.
If you keep chanting for the next 50 years, you will be about 100 years old.
At Stay, you can spend your daily life as if each day was 100 years old,
Furthermore, I have continued to chant Shushogi and have enjoyed the years that have passed.

One day, I sat down in tears in front of the Gohonzon.
It’s not like I’m letting out sadness or what I’ve accumulated,
I felt strangely comfortable, refreshed, and filled with gratitude, as if I had been cleansed.
At that time, I will never forget the consideration given to me by my uchideshi.
He was sitting far away, and I felt like he was close to me.
I remember feeling my heart filled with their casual concern and words.
thank you very much.

Then the uchideshi,
“He was a little confused for about two years, but he’s gotten over it now.”
He said something like this.
A life that continues with sincerity and dedication every day is beautiful and becomes a light that illuminates the surroundings.
I learned that I can learn whenever I want.
No matter where you are, as long as you have life, you can shine. It’s encouraging.

This may be a bit of an aside, but
Someone once said to me, “It took me seven years to tell you.”
It took that much time to receive the necessary message.
Something made me think that it would be better to be someone who is easy to talk to.
People who are honest, gentle, and positive, and who create comfortable relationships with everyone, are pleasant.
It is a waste to feel like we are exposing ourselves and creating suffering for ourselves.
I also learned the word “thought.”
I feel that being able to be bad and stupid to a certain extent is a key to easy relationships.

I tended to think about my own inadequacies,
I couldn’t let go of my self-centered thoughts, like trying to force myself in or trying to be understood.
For me to be better, not him, but for us to be better.
What about everyone? It was also a place where I learned how to put into practice what to do with everyone.
It is natural that there are as many opinions and ideas as there are people,
Trying to fix it won’t work.
I feel that a worldview of good wisdom has been added to the thinking that usually fails.
It was a learning experience that sheds light on people’s worries and pain in the light of good things.

When we consider the three karmas of body, speech, and mind,
While interacting with people and things, correcting our behavior, speaking pleasant and true words, adding our thoughts to the world, illuminating them and passing them on,
Is it to work hard and move away from suffering and live a rich and happy life?
Day by day, I became more and more excited to see what words he would use, what actions he would take, and what thoughts he would have.

Things like that
In the ultimate daily life I spent at Temple Stay, it was a place that set me in the direction of cultivating compassion, wisdom, and Buddha nature, and instilling good habits.
“I hope that by cultivating the three types of compassion, wisdom, and Buddha nature, I will strengthen my mind and body, and that I will be able to shine a light on great foolishness.”
How do you imagine your life and the people you will grow up with from now on?
The timing of the first day of spring and the beginning of the Lunar New Year is a time for fresh thinking.

By the time I had finally memorized the names of the 14 Zen participants, it was over, and I was so sad to say goodbye.
I was able to make new friends who were filled with warm feelings and who happily said to each other that they would meet again.
These kind of friends are called good friends.
I thought it would be difficult to participate, but
During this stay, I was able to meet Osho Daigo, the Uchideshi who took care of me, and the Zen practitioners, which was a treasure.
Furthermore, it is encouraging to know that there are many people across the country and overseas who are cultivating good habits.
It’s exciting to think that the world is illuminated by so many lights.
I am looking forward to meeting good friends again in the future.

On the way home, I decided to visit my grandparents’ graves.
I was able to say hello to my ancestors who have connected my life, and I also reported my stay.
What was strange was that wherever he went, he ran with his hands closed.
Habits are acquired over time. It was a quick 5 days, but
We will continue to take quick action so that we don’t forget.

As I came up with it, it became a long text for my own notes.
There may be some overlap.
Sorry, I wrote too much.
Thank you for reading.

A luxurious moment at Rakando, the flickering of the fire.
All the buildings were beautiful and soothing and comfortable.
It has nourished me so much that I can’t express it enough.
I feel that a new transformation is beginning.
When I think about it, each moment of the program passed by in the blink of an eye.
It was like a quest to deepen the quality of my life.

I will participate again when necessary.
Before participating, I thought it would be expensive, but
If you think about it, eating 3 meals for 5 days is a valuable experience that will change your life.
Such a luxurious daily life! I highly recommend it to a variety of people.

We would like to express our gratitude for the wonderful encounter we had with Temple Stay at Fukugonji Temple.
Thank you all for your continued support.
thank you very much.